Why cats cry tears
Cats do not shed tears as an emotional response, the way humans do. Watery eyes in cats are usually caused by medical problems such as yawning, irritation, infection, or a foreign object or disease in the eye. If you notice excessive tearing in your cat, it's best to consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Cats, like humans, yawn a lot. At this time, when you yawn, tears may occur because the facial muscles move greatly and stimulate the tear glands. Temporarily, there is no big problem, but if you have a lot of tears, a lot of eye mucus, or if you don't look good, it may be due to other causes, so it is recommended to visit a veterinary hospital.
Fine dust, pollen, dust, etc. may shed tears. If your cat is weeping, scratching its skin excessively, and has red eyes (or swollen eyes with tears), you may be allergic to it. House cats are usually at low risk of tick or flea allergy. Allergies to house dust mites, pollen, etc. can occur, so always keep the house clean. If the allergy is too severe, it is recommended to visit a veterinarian and consult with a veterinarian, as symptoms can be alleviated through medication or vaccination, just like in humans.
It usually occurs in multi-cat households, and cats may quarrel and injure their eyes. Therefore, there may be cases where trauma occurs and damages the eyes, so visit a veterinarian and consult a veterinarian before it leads to other diseases.
conjunctivitis or keratitis
Conjunctivitis is a disease in which the conjunctiva becomes inflamed due to viral foreign body marks, scratches, etc. The inner mucous membrane of the eyelids is red and swollen to the conjunctiva, and symptoms of increased eye mucus and tears appear.
Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea covering the eye. Scratches, irritation from thorns or hairs, exacerbation of conjunctivitis, or infection by viruses or bacteria are often the main causes. You can see how much attention is paid to the eyes, such as eye pain, winking, and glare.
Usually, when you keep rubbing your eyes or blinking as if you are winking, you suspect the above symptoms, and in severe cases, dust or foreign substances from cat sand enter your eyes, leading to conjunctivitis or keratitis. Try to be
Entropic of the eyelid
Blepharoptosis is a disease in which a part of the eyelid is rolled inward, which occurs frequently in brachycephalic or elderly cats such as Persian cats. Since the eyelashes and eyelids irritate the surface of the eye, tears and cornea increase, and it is easy to lead to keratitis or conjunctivitis due to surface irritation. Also, in very severe cases, it may be necessary to treat entropion (double eyelid surgery in humans).
Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (Herpes)
Also called feline cold, an infection with the herpes virus can cause watery eyes. In addition to yellow tears, it shows common cold symptoms such as loss of energy and appetite, fever, sneezing and runny nose. In general, it is recommended that kittens get a preventive vaccine because their immunity is weak, and they are easily susceptible to viruses.
In addition to this, it can be caused by various diseases such as blepharitis, feline calicivirus infection, lactostasis, and uveitis, so it is recommended to consult a veterinarian in severe cases.
How to manage cat tears
Washing hands
People who return home after going out have a lot of viruses on their hands, so they touch cats without washing their hands, and germs or viruses can be transmitted to the cat's eyes. So, please wash your hands thoroughly after going out.
Tidying up the eyes
If left unattended for a long time, it can lead to other diseases, so wipe the cat's eyes, dust, and tears once a day.
Cat litter and house cleaning
Cat toilet sand or house dust may shed tears for reasons such as allergies, so clean the toilet regularly to reduce dust from cat toilet sand, and ventilate or clean the house frequently to reduce house dust.
How to deal with a cat crying
If your cat sheds tears, you need to wipe them off. If you leave them without wiping them, they can cause odor and fur discolouration, as well as cause viruses or bacteria, and can infect other cats. Use clean gauze and wipe one side at a time using the other side or another gauze.
origin - https://pet-knowing.com/blog/Why%20cats%20cry%20tears
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